AVB enables precisely synchronized, real-time, low-latency, streaming of audio across an Ethernet network with no-hassle, self-configuring, true plug-and-play convenience. All StudioLive RM-series mixers already have the SL-AVB-MIX option card installed and just need a firmware update to enable the new AVB networking functionality. The card is offered as an upgrade option for StudioLive AI console mixers.
With this first phase of AVB support, you can use the StudioLive RM32AI or RM16AI as a stage box and monitor mixer for any StudioLive AI-series front-of-house (FOH) console mixer. Remote-control the StudioLive RM-series mixer’s recallable, Class A XMAX™ preamps from the console; take advantage of the RM mixer’s 16 additional aux mixes; and use the RM mixer’s Fat Channel processing and FX buses for independent monitor mix processing from the FOH mix.
Thanks to PreSonus Active Integration technology, the mixers on the AVB system can be set up, and your mixing workflows synchronized, in a single step. All input routing to and from the onstage RM mixer and the AI console mixer at FOH is configured automatically. You simply change the channel source from “analog” to “network” on the channels you want to source from the other mixer.
In addition, the talkback and main L/R mix from FOH are set up as the talkback input and main L/R outputs on the RM mixer onstage. The talkback on/off at FOH also engages the talkback onstage, making it easy to communicate with the band. PreSonus Active Integration also keeps your scene save and recall in sync between the mixers in the system.
Both mixers can be controlled using PreSonus UC Surface touch-control software or VSL-AI and SL-Remote AI for Mac®, Windows®, and iPad®, and all aux mixes can be wirelessly controlled using PreSonus QMix™-AI for iPhone® / iPod® touch. All audio and control data flows over one slender Ethernet cable, so you can shed that heavy, noisy analog copper snake.
“This is just the beginning of PreSonus AVB networking,” commented Ray Tantzen, Senior Product Manager for PreSonus. “We have big plans to unleash the true power of a networked audio system. Our implementation of AVB will continue to grow, supporting more workflows and more devices from PreSonus and other manufacturers. With more manufacturers getting onboard with AVB, we are very excited about the future.”