Tracktion Launch Waveform 10

SEATTLE, WA (March 26th, 2019) – Tracktion Corporation is proud to launch Waveform 10, their most creative, inspirational and affordable digital audio workstation to date. The latest additions to this rapidly evolving application have been designed specifically for the needs of modern music producers with particular emphasis on inventive, intuitive,…


Flock Audio announces availability of world’s most advanced digitally-controlled, 100%-analog patch bay routing system

EDMONTON, AB, CANADA: having fulfilled preorders, then turned heads and opened musical minds with a show-stopping showcase at The 2019 NAMM Show in Southern California, January 24-27, pro audio manufacturer Flock Audio is proud to announce availability of its innovative PATCH System — surely the world’s most advanced digitally-controlled, 100%-analog…


Neu für Linux – die NON DAW

Es gibt eine neue DAW Software für Linux, die sich NON nennt. Sie besteht aus mehreren Elementen, welche auch einzeln funktionieren. Die NON Timeline, NON Mixer, NON Sequencer und NON Session Manager. Da die Software recht wenig Recourcen benötigt, soll sie auch auf älteren Rechnern zügig laufen. Da die DAW…


MakeProAudio stellt die MPA-Plattform vor – das skalierbare Modulsystem für jedermann zum Selbstbau von individuellen Pro Audio Geräten.

MakeProAudio, die “you make audio gear company”, kündigt das “you make audio gear system” für Musiker, Synthie-Liebhaber, Produzenten, Performer, DIYer und Audioanarchisten an. Im Gegensatz zu herkömmlichen Equipment von der Stange, macht die MPA-Plattform es einfach, professionelles Audio-Equipment mit völlig neuen Kontrollmöglichkeiten zu bauen – mit nichts mehr als einem…


Spitfire Audio releases reimagined remarkable trio of Evo Grid-based libraries as dedicated plug-ins

LONDON, UK: Spitfire Audio is proud to roll out ANGULAR STRING EVOLUTIONS, FRAGILE STRING EVOLUTIONS, and WOODWIND EVOLUTIONS — respectively representing reimagined versions of EVO GRID 1, EVO GRID 2, and EVO GRID 4, three of the British music technology company’s classic sample libraries that introduced its ingenious ‘evo’ (evolution)…


Antelope Audio announces availability of Orion 32+ | Gen 3 innovative interface and cutting-edge AD/DA converter

SANTA MONICA, CA, USA: having made momentous musical waves with a show-stopping premiere performance at The 2019 NAMM Show in Southern California, January 24-27, trailblazing pro audio manufacturer Antelope Audio is proud to announce availability of Orion 32+ | Gen 3. Boasting brand-new AD/DA converters capable of achieving up to…


The Best Computer Music And Acoustic Technology Inc. (aka Sound Magic) introduces Fazioli RoseVI featuring four extraordinaryFazioli GrandPianos

ANAHEIM, CA, USA: cutting-edge audio technologies developer The Best Computer Music And AcousticTechnology Inc(aka Sound Magic)is proud to announce availability of Fazioli Rose—its latest hybrid virtual instrument for Mac (AU 32-/64-bit, VST 32-/64-bit) and Windows (VST 32-/64-bit), featuring four extraordinaryFazioli Grand Pianoscombined into anamazing and amazingly affordably-priced package, purposefully positioned…


Softube Parallels: Doppelte Synthesizer-Power mit vielfältigen Quell-Sounds und umfangreichen Anpassungsmöglichkeiten

Linköping, 12. März 2019 – In Stockholm gibt es einen Synthesizer-Laden, der mit vielen edlen Schätzen der Klangsynthese-Geschichte gefüllt ist. Von diesen legendären Sounds hat sich das Entwicklerteam von Softube inspirieren lassen und ein intuitives Werkzeug für Soundtüftler und Klangkünstler entwickelt: Parallels. Nomen est omen: Zwei Wellen als Quellen Der…


PROFILER OS 5.7 available – Kemper release 5 new „big studio machine“-grade reverb effects for the PROFILER™

Kemper GmbH/ Ruhr Area/ Germany – March 7th, 2019 (ictw) – Kemper GmbH, the makers of the acclaimed Kemper PROFILER announced today the immediate availability of PROFILER OS 5.7. This new version introduces five new, studio quality, „big machine“-type reverb algorithms: Spring Reverb, Natural Reverb, Easy Reverb, Echo Reverb, and…


Synclavier Digital delves into iconic past to bring seminal Synclavier® II sound engine back to the future as awe-inspiring iOS apps

NOVA SCOTIA, CANADA: having turned heads and opened ears with a show-stopping showcase at The 2019 NAMM Show in Southern California, January 24-27, newly-formed Synclavier Digital is proud to announce availability of Synclavier Go! and Synclavier Pocket! — placing a re-creation of the seminal Synclavier® II Digital Synthesizer’s sound engine…


Testbericht – ToneSpot Bass Pro Software von Audified

Der tscheschiche Softwarehersteller Audified hat die ToneSpot Bass Software vorgestellt. Diese ist in einer kleineren Ausstattung und in der hier zum Test anstehenden Pro Version erhältlich. Mit dieser Software können Bass Tracks bearbeitet und verbessert werden, außerdem stehen noch ein paar Effekte zur Verfügung. Download und installation: Der Download für…


Doepfer dives deeper into industry-standard Eurorack small-format modular system with quirky quintet of polyphonic modules

GRAEFELFING, GERMANY: having made musical waves during a show-stopping showcase of prototypes closer to home at SUPERBOOTH18 in Berlin, Germany, esteemed electronic musical device designer Doepfer is proud to globally announce availability of its A-111-4 Quad VCO, A-105-4 Quad Poly SSI VCF, A-132-8 Octal Poly VCA, A-141-4 Quad Poly VCADSR,…
