MuLab und MUX Modular 6.1 von Mutools sind erschienen

MuTools-LogoIrgendwie habe ich das Gefühl, dass die Produkte von Mutools in letzter Zeit im deutschsprachigen Raum vom Radar verschwunden sind. Die Belgier haben jetzt eine neue Version von MuLab und MUX Modular mit der Nummer 6.1 herausgebracht. Es gibt die Version für MAC und PC in 32 und 64 Bit. Updates gibt es ab 19,- Euro und die Vollversionen in drei unterschiedlichen Version von 59,- bis 89,- Euro.



Hier die Übersicht der Änderungen in MUX und MuLab 6.1:

MUX Modular

  • New synth module: „Multiform Oscillator“. Supports creating, importing and using wave tables in a high-quality and modular way.
  • Improved sound quality when importing arbitrary sized waveforms.
  • Waveforms: New „Clipboard -> Append“ function that appends the waveform on the clipboard to the target waveform.
  • All sounds using the internal oscillator might sound a little bit better by fixing a specific rounding error.
  • Optimized sample memory management.
  • VST plug-ins: Enhanced denormalizations guard.
  • Note Modifier: Velocity parameter can be set to 12700% so to practically max out all velocities.
  • Fixed a potential crash bug when trying to paste a module while no module is on the clipboard.
  • Fixed a couple of issues with the Parameter Event Generator module.
  • Fixed a specific problem in the VST engine which caused that the timing info given to the plugin was not ok at the end of the composition loop in case the audio engine block size was an integer multiple of the loop length.
  • MUX Modular Plug-In: Improved host compatibility.
  • MUX Modular Plug-In: All MUX-related benefits of MuLab 6.0.35: New MuSampla version 2, improved MuDrum, rack slots now include a process on/off switch, improved multi-sample editor, and many more improvements which all together make a big difference! Cfr the M6.0.35 change log below.


  • Rename automation parts didn’t work as expected. Fixed.
  • Automation parts: In some cases the play position line was not positioned right. Fixed.
  • When importing MuClips, the session could contain multiple similar grids. Fixed.
  • Sequence function Quantize Length will now avoid creating triggered notes.
  • Fixed an issue in the composer when using overlapped parts.
  • The „MIDI Output Time Compensation“ setting now is a real-time editable preference: See Edit Preferences -> „MIDI Output Time Shift“.


  • Audio Files and Samples: New context functions „Add Recurring Markers“ and „Delete Selected Markers“.
  • New preference „Middle C Index“ allows you to set the middle C to C3 or C4 or C5. Default is C4.
  • REX file loader: Improved protection against exceptional/wrong REX files.
  • In some cases when deleting multiple objects at the same time, only some of them were effectively deleted. Fixed.
  • Factory Library Folder and User Library Folder are now editable preferences. This allows for a more customizable setup.

Hier noch ein Video zum Multiform Oszillator:




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