Namensänderungen bei den Höfner Violin Bässen

höfner-logoHöfner hat die Namen der Violin Bässe geändert. Aus dem 61′ wird der 500/1 Cave, aus dem 62 Vintage wird der 500/1 Liverpool und aus dem 64 Vintage wird einfach der 500/1 Violinbass, welcher jetzt das Standardmodell ist. An der Bauweise der Bässe ändert sich übrigens nichts. Und hier die Pressemitteilung von Höfner in englisch:


Höfner-ViolinbassName Changes for the Beatle Bass:
Bringing the models into line with history.
Hagenau, Germany, 28th March 2014.
The three German built 500/1 Violin Beatle Basses on the current Höfner catalogue have received changes to the model names in order to more closely associate them with historical events. The construction and fittings remain, however, exactly the same.
Due to the sequence that re-issue models were released in, more than 10 years ago, the McCartney spec bass became the Vintage ‘62 Re-issue despite the fact that his bass was built around August 1963.
The models will no longer have a year to identify them, these are replaced by names more evocative of the actual time they represent.
The Vintage ’61 Re-issue is now designated the 500/1 ‘Cavern’. It is inspired by a bass purchased by Paul McCartney in Hamburg in 1961.
The Vintage ’62 Re-issue becomes the 500/1 ‘Liverpool, being inspired by a bass built for Paul McCartney around August 1963.
The Vintage ’64 Re-issue will now simply be the 500/1 Violin Bass and becomes the ‘standard’ model.

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