Neue Version der B-5 Software von Acousticsamples

Bei Acousticsamples ist die Version 2 der B-5 Software erschienen. Dabei handelt es sich nicht um ein simples Update. Die Software wurde komplett überarbeitet. Das Leslie wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit UVI neu gesampled. Und auch die Orgel Engine ist neu. Hier die Liste der Neuerungen in englisch:

A new Leslie emulation:
We have been working with UVI again and provided them with a lot of measurements on our Leslie 122. They came up with a new Leslie Emulation that is world class, and we adjusted it even further to fit the sound of the different Leslie models we recorded. You now get the sound of the legendary Leslie 122, 147 or 3300 and all of them with an incredible variety of microphone placements and many controls over them.
A refined Organ model:
Everything has been revised, the click sound, the measurement of the real voicing, the percussion curves and we simulated a few real electrical behaviors like the voltage stealing and the loudness robbing that play a very important part in the sound of the organs.
And as every B-3, C-3 or A-100 is unique, we now offer 4 different organs base tones, each with their own voicing and signature sound. 
A completely reworked Tube Saturation: 
The tube saturation now follows the exact behavior of the real Leslie 122 tube saturation.
There is basically one main control that is similar to the volume knob you can find on a 122 and you can play with the volume pedal to get more or less saturation while playing.
A complete MIDI integration: 
With the help of some of our customers, we pre-mapped some of the most used Organ controllers like the XK series, the Clavia controllers (Nord stage, C series, electro and C2D), the Mojo, the B4D, the HX3 and a few others.
If your controller is not in that list, just use the new MIDI learn function to assign any element to the controller of your choice.
A much better Pedalboard simulation:
We have modeled 4 different pedalboards for which each drawbar controls a certain frequency combination.  The voicings really vary a lot from one model to another.
A new preset system:
We decided to add the two main presets for A# and B that control two virtual sets of drawbars.
On top of that, we also added a new general preset system with a few built-in presets to help you explore different sounds.
With all of these features, the B-5 Organ V2 does sound like the original Hammond and Leslie 122 combo, but if you still need to be convinced, just watch our B-5 versus real Organ comparison video.

Für Kunden die die Vorversion besitzen, ist die Version 2 kostenlos erhältlich. Neukunden können die Software, wie bisher, für 99,-Euro erwerben.

Weitere Informationen gibt es hier: Link

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