Neues GEQ Graphic Equalizer Plugin von Waves

waves_black-kleinDie Firma Waves hat das neue GEQ Graphic Equalizer Plugin auf den Markt gebracht. Es handelt sich dabei um ein 30 Band Equalizer Plugin, das sich vor allen Dingen für den live Einsatz anbietet, aber auch im Studio gute Dienste leisten soll.




Hier die Herstellerangaben:


  • 30 ISO bands with selectable 6, 12 & 18 dB scales
  • Independent HPF, LPF and parametric bells per side
  • Classic component with Proportional Q filters
  • Modern component with non-interactive Flat-Top filters
  • Real-time analyzer
  • Zero latency


  • SCALE controls the maximum range of GEQ faders.
  • Q functions as a multiplier for the proportional Q algorithm.
  • ISO FADERS control the gain of selected frequency centers.
  • DRAG selects the method of setting the band faders.
  • LINK relatively links left and right channels, including all bands, high and low pass filters, floating Parametric Bell EQ and Master Gain settings.
  • FLAT snaps all bands to 0 dB.


  • HP activates the high pass filter.
  • HP FREQUENCY sets the cutoff frequency of the high pass filter.
  • LP activates the low pass filter.
  • LP FREQUENCY sets the cutoff frequency of the low pass filter.
  • PARAMETRIC BELL activates the floating parametric bell filter.
  • PARAMETRIC BELL FREQUENCY sets the cutoff frequency of the floating parametric bell filter.
  • PARAMETRIC BELL GAIN controls the gain of the floating parametric bell filter.
  • PARAMETRIC BELL Q determines the width of the floating parametric bell filter.
  • MASTER GAIN controls the output level of the entire plugin.


  • GRAPHIC DISPLAY / ANALYZER show the EQ curve, RTA1 and RTA2 input RMS frequency responses and the Difference between them.
  • INPUT METER displays input level (peak) in dBFS.
  • OUTPUT METER displays output level (peak) in dBFS.
  • RTA1 assigns the first input to the real-time analyzer.
  • RTA2 assigns the second input to the real-time analyzer.
  • DIFFERENCE mode turns off the real-time analyzer and displays the difference in frequency response between RTA1 and RTA2.


  • CALIB activates the Calibration mode which calibrates the analyzer.
  • RTA1 & RTA2 FADERS are used to adjust and match the analyzer input levels.
  • RTA RESPONSE sets the response time of the analyzer.
  • RTA1 DELAY sets the alignment of RTA1 to RTA2.

Waves-GEQ_GraphicEqualizer_ClassicDer Equalizer im klassischen Stil

Waves-GEQ_GraphicEqualizer_ModernDer Equalizer im modernen Stil

Der Einführungspreis beträgt 99,- USD, später soll der Preis bei 200,- USD liegen.

Mehr Informationen gibt es hier: Link

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