After over a year of hard work, we are delighted to release a major Swar Studio upgrade. Version 3 has been seriously reworked to offer you all a mid-range Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) should include.
Here is the list of the main enhancements:
input/output selection for each track
new AUX tracks (also mono Audio/MIDI track)
sends (each with pan/vol) along with 32 buses
audio samples/MIDI notes now displayed on loop
on-track editing of audio loops (split, clear range, copy, paste, etc…)
fades (in, out, cross)
gain curves on loops
optional dual panning for stereo tracks
new Mixer view
new MIDI Events List editor
auto Backup/Restore
and much, much more…
You will find more about Swar Studio 3 here: Link
We have prepared a short teaser video showing the main enhancements, and you can also download a demo version (limitations: only tabla for instrument tracks, and playback stopping after 15 minutes).
Swar Studio 3 price has been increased to $99 (Special rate of Rs 4’500.- for clients living in India) but we are offering an upgrade price of only $30 (respectively Rs. 1’500.-) to Swar Studio 2 owners. You can order directly here: Link