PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC: W.A. Production, producers crafting creative plug-ins to help anyone achieve studio-quality processing speedily and easily, is proud to announce availability of Put Me On DRUMS — duly delivered as a ground-shaking drum processing plug-in created in close collaboration with chart-topping Norwegian music producer K-391 to add attitude, depth, punch, and weight to beats by processing them with intense effects as a secret weapon in the fight for creating distinctive drums that will blow listeners away — as of October 17…

As a 28-year-old Norwegian music producer and EDM (Electronic Dance Music) artist whose stock rose high hitting the number one spot in his home country with his hit single ‘Ignite’ in 2018, having hitherto proven popular with ‘russ’ — students who traditionally celebrate their final spring semester in Norwegian high schools, Kenneth Osberg Nilsen (a.k.a. K-391) knows a thing or two about adding, depth, punch, and weight to beats. Bent on helping anyone achieve studio-quality processing speedily and easily having gained valuable insight as working producers themselves, W.A. Production know a thing or two about crafting creative plug-ins. Put them together and the result is a musical match made in heaven. As a ground-shaking drum processor adding attitude, depth, punch, and weight to beats by processing them with intense effects as a secret weapon in the fight for creating distinctive drums that will blow listeners away, Put Me On DRUMS is as perfect for the job as it is perfectly named.
It is hardly surprising, therefore, that K-391 is impressed with the perfectly-named result, revealing, “I wanted to create a plug-in that helps producers get the most out of their drum sounds without designing long, CPU-heavy effect chains; working with W.A. Production on Put Me On DRUMS led to an incredible plug-in that helps you get fat, punchy drums in an instant — plus, you get a selection of presets I designed myself and will be using on my own productions.”
Putting into words exactly how Put Me On DRUMS does what it does is easier said than done — after all, talking about music is like dancing about architecture, as someone once wisely said, but bespoke split-frequency routing combines specific effects for low and high frequency bands for unparalleled control over drum shaping and deformation. Indeed, if snare-shaping or colossal kicks are the order of the day then Put Me On DRUMS can truly turn up the heat with simple controls and a range of transformative presets — the latter designed by K-391 himself.
It is obvious, then, that K-391, the producer, plays a pivotal role in making Put Me On DRUMS what it is, which, itself, is hardly surprising since — through sweeping soundscapes and genre-bending compositions — his musical universe is the soundtrack to engaging narratives. Needless to say, K-391 is a force to be reckoned with, as borne out by more than a million followers online and recently surpassing 300-million audio and video streams. Says the producer: “My goal has always been to make better music, and, hopefully, let people feel that. That’s why we developed this plug-in, which instantly makes your drum sound better — spice up, enhance, or tune your drums for the perfect fit to your track, but, of course, you can also put it on guitars, vocals, or bass. It doesn’t matter as long as it sounds good, right?”
Regardless of whichever way anyone chooses to work with Put Me On DRUMS, the way it splits audio into its HIGH and LOW frequency modules for independent processing is central to this musical match made in heaven’s way of working, allowing anyone to adjust the FREQ (frequency) crossover from 20Hz to 20kHz to find the perfect midpoint for their desired drum processing, with different effects applied to each of the frequency bands.
Consequently, controls for the LOW frequency band include: BELLY, PUNCH, SUB TAIL, LENGTH, and LOW EQ adjustments. As such, it is possible to saturate the low end with the BELLY and control the transient level sent into the saturator itself with PUNCH; drum characteristics can be tweaked with tails extended with the SUB TAIL button and LENGTH dial, making 808s shine with upper harmonics or kicks ring out for longer; and focus the processing on a particular band or notch out problematic frequencies with the LOW EQ controls.
Controls for the HIGH frequency band include: FREQ SHIFTER, DIMENSION, WIDTH, and HIGH EQ adjustments. As such, Put Me On DRUMS makes it easy to share the upper frequencies of hi-hats and snares, using a clever combination of formant-shifting additional voices. Simply select the target frequency with the FREQ SHIFTER dial, then control the over formant feel with the SHIFT knob; this makes it easy to turn high percussion to fit with the key of the track being working on, or just push the harmonic content a little more for shimmer and sparkle. Spread the dimension effect around the stereo filled with the WIDTH control and focus top-end processing on a particular band with the HIGH EQ controls.
It is easy to compare Put Me On DRUMS’ presets, or user tweaks thereof, by copying and pasting between two profiles — A and B — and selecting each with a single click to analyse adjustment changes, fine-tuning each until arriving at the perfect settings for the task. No need to worry about making mistakes, though, since UNDO and REDO functions are always available — as is a RANDOMIZER for fresh and unexpected takes on drum processing.
Put it this way: with independent GAIN controls for INPUT and OUTPUT, plus a master MIX ratio dial for parallel processing, Put Me On DRUMS is equally at home facilitating small surgical changes as it is delivering dynamic destruction. And as if all that was not enough to be getting on with, the ground-shaking drum processor plug-in’s master LIMITER feature smooths out the dynamics of the outgoing audio, while the OUTPUT level slider allows users to set a level for accurate A/B-ing with the pop-free POWER control. Clearly, the live frequency display at the top of the no-nonsense GUI (Graphical User Interface) shows exactly what is happening to the signal as it is being processed in real-time — simply drag the frequency crossover to shift the perspective between the HIGH and LOW frequency modules, making for accurate visual monitoring for what is happening each time a parameter change is made. It is, indeed, an incredible plug-in… just ask K-391!
Put Me On DRUMS is available to purchase for a time-limited introductory promo price of only $20.00 USD — rising thereafter to its regular price of $39.90 USD — as a 64-bit AU-, VST-, and VST3-compatible plug-in for macOS (10.15 or later) and 32- or 64-bit VST-, and VST3-compatible plug-in for Windows (8 or later), as well as an AAX-compatible plug-in for Pro Tools (11 or higher), directly from W.A. Production via its dedicated webpage, which also includes some superb audio previews, here:
14-day, fully-functional trial versions of all W.A. Production plug-ins — including Put Me On DRUMS — are available by signing up for an account for free here:
Watch W.A. Production’s informative introductory video for Put Me On DRUMS — including an introduction by K-391 himself — here: