Yamaha News zur Winter NAMM Show 2014

Yamaha-LogoYamaha hat neue Mischpulte vorgestellt. die sowohl für die Bühne, als auch für den Einsatz im Studio geeignet sein sollen. Hier die Details:




Die MG Serie gibt es Ausführungen mit 6 bis 20 Eingängen.

Yamaha-Mixer-1For more than a century, Yamaha has been building a legacy of superior craftsmanship and innovation exemplified in all of our products, from an unrivalled catalog of world-class musical instruments to touring-grade professional audio. Now in its third incarnation, the MG Series embodies this pursuit of design excellence, and incorporates some of the same technologies developed for use in high-end professional consoles, including studio-quality preamps, powerful digital processing, and a rugged, reliable construction.

With an intuitive, easy-to-use interface, the MG Series boasts an extensive lineup of compact mixing consoles with models ranging from six to twenty channels, suitable for a diverse range of users and applications. For installed, recording, or live music settings, the solid construction and flexible design of these consoles lets you shape your sound with confidence, continually delivering peak performance and a level of sound quality and reliability unrivalled in its class.


Auch die MG-XU Serie gibt es mit 6 bis 20 Eingängen.

Yamaha-XU-Mixer-1Weitere Informationen zur MG Serie gibt es hier: Link

Weitere Informationen zur MG-Xu Serie gibt es hier: Link


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