Kuassa Creme RE für Reason 7

Kuassa-LogoKuassa hat den virtuellen Creme Amp nun auch als Rack Extension für Reason 7 vorgestellt. Gleichzeitig wurde die Vermeillon RE Version einem Update unterzogen. Die neue Version ist jetzt die 1.1. Hier ist die originale Mitteilung:


Hard rockers, metalheads, raise your horns! Here is another reason to go Reason. Equip your axe and deliver sonic mayhem with this modern high gain guitar amp, or insert this amp into other device chains to add a steely edge. 

This is Full Metal Alchemy:

We are proud to announce the release of second Rack Extension for Propellerhead Reason. This time, Amplifikation Creme are getting its turn to receive a makeover to fit into the Reason Rack, of course with the same tonal quality as the VST/AU version.

Kuassa has returned to the Rack Extension world with Amplifikation Creme, the crème de la crème of guitar amp simulation. It features a digitally engineered head and matching cabinet with built-in overdrive sections, based on three legendary overdrive pedals, giving you full control of intense, dynamic, harmonically-rich distortion.

Amplifikation Creme RE is a definite must-have addition for fans of the Amplifikation Vermilion RE. Distinguished by its darker, fuller, and heavier tone, akin to high-end high-gain tube guitar amplifiers, Creme’s three amp types and channels will bring you closer to the end of your search for the perfect tone.



  • Built-in overdrive section with 3 selectable types
  • 3 amp types: Sharp FMV, Full Midtone Baxandall, and Big Heavy
  • 3 selectable channels: Clean, Lead I, and Lead II with a fuller bottom-end
  • 5 types of 4×12 cabinets with 4 microphones
  • Freely adjustable dual-miking configurations
  • Built-in Noise Gate and Limiter
  • CV inputs for Global input-output, noise gate, FX, and amp
  • Straightforward and easy to use interface.

At the same time with Amplifikation Creme RE release, we also updated Amplifikation Vermilion RE to ver. 1.1.0, highlighting an array of Control Voltage inputs to enable both of the Amplifikation Series REs with a capability to receive CV message from other Reason Devices. What can be done by CV inputs in the guitar amp? who knows? maybe it can help you to get sonic drones, experimental modulations, or even inventing a new genre.

Pricing & Availability:

Amplifikation Creme RE is available for €32 / $39

Kaufen kann man die Rack Extension hier: Link

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