Neu: Sinevibes Multitude Delay für MAC

Sinevibes-LogoDie Firma Sinevibes hat das 4 Kanal Delay Plugin Multitude für MAC vorgestellt. Damit ist es möglich ein Delay zeitgenau auf 4 Kanälen einzufügen. Dabei ist es egal, ob das Delay auf nur eine Note, einen Akkord, oder mehr angewendet werden soll. Das Plugin ist nur für MAC Computer erhältlich und kostet 59,- USD. Hier ist die originale Mitteilung des Herstellers:


This is arguably the most sophisticated yet the most fun to use delay plugin the world has ever seen. Or heard.

A conventional delay constantly processes and echoes all of the audio on the input. Multitude uses gate sequencers to control sends into four individual delay lines – allowing you to activate them at precise moments in time. Want a delay only on that particular note, chord, or hit? With Multitude, you can do this. And so much more.


Multitude features a highly visualized, color-coded user interface that has been calibrated for both indoor and outdoor lighting conditions. Thanks to extensive use of OS X Core Animation and Accelerate frameworks, it provides an unusually smooth, delightful user experience – and at the same time, efficient internal processing.


  • Four independent delay units with forward and reverse playback modes.
  • Five gate sequencer tracks for dry input signal and four delay sends, eight separate sequences storable per preset.
  • Eight simultaneous effect processors per delay unit: frequency shifter, sample rate and bit depth reducers, circuit bender, noise, multi-mode filter, saturation, and flanger. Effects can be placed before, after, or inside each delay’s feedback loop.
  • Two separate low-frequency oscillators per delay unit, each with 16 modulation destinations, multiple waveforms, and adjustable chaos feature.


Multitude works with Logic, GarageBand, Live, MainStage, Maschine, Digital Performer, Studio One, ReNoise, Reaper, Bidule and other software that supports AudioUnit effect plugins. It comes in 32/64 bit format for Intel Macs running OS X 10.6 or later, and supports Retina screen resolution.

Weitere Informationen, Soundbeispiele und eine Demoversion gibt es hier: Link

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